Change Logs

v1.0 * The original version

v1.0.1 * While demultiplexing, the number of demultiplexed reads are shown for every 100000 reads

v1.1 * Possible to simulate and demultiplex dual barcode experiments (in paired end modus only) * Updated barcode recognition for paired end modus in the demultiplexer: when a read can be assigned to multiple samples, the read is considered as unvalid (previous was first sample)

v1.1.1 * Updated output and stats for dual barcode experiments

v1.1.2 * Updated barcode recognition for single read modus in the demultiplexer: when a read can be assigned to multiple samples, the read is considered as unvalid (previous was first sample)

v1.1.3 * On request added the enzyme AvaII

v1.1.4 * Update adaptor ligase finding algorithm * Removed unneeded, confusing parameters -cc and -al * Removed unused code

v1.1.5 * Update digest (removed possible input file parsing error) * Updated Single Read Demultiplexing

v1.2 * Deleted Demultiplexer option -m * Code Clean-up

v1.3 * Removal of the filelock class, ReentrantLock is now used * The demultiplexing is now multithreaded: use -t NumberOfThreads